Sarmaya Museum
Designing photographic narratives to enrich cultural engagement among the youth.
Created for Sarmaya Museum’s print packages that provide multi-modal educational resources in a creative, accessible manner, this project aimed to create photographs that increase access to set young Indians on the path toward fostering a deeper engagement with India’s shared heritage.

These montaged images of a timeless city, Kolkata, create a concise yet whimsical gustatory tour of the Eastern capital of India. The historic photographs are juxtaposed with anglicized export textile patterns; small whimsical elements from Company school painting or Gorlizki’s modern miniatures; and the iconic Sarmaya red which is symbolic of the East India Company as well.

The collection of photo montages was exhibited at the first display of South Asian Art at theMuseum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design.

    Sarmaya Museum, 2020

    Project for Pavitra Rajaram Design, 4 weeks

    Graphic design, photographic design, cultural communication

    Project undertaken as a Design Intern at Pavitra Rajaram Design
    Supervised by Pavitra Rajaram and Tanish Malji

    Sarmaya Arts Foundation

    Images Courtesy of Sarmaya, India

    *Undertaken during an internship at Pavitra Rajaram Design